Yahtzee Plus App

Yahtzee Plus score sheet to use with real dice

This app is meant as a replacement for the traditional paper Yahtzee sheets that you use while playing the popular dice game. You will still use your own dice to play. 

However, this is not the usual Yahtzee game. Just like with triple Yahtzee there are multiple columns, but this time there are six columns to play.


  • There are multiple columns with each different rules:

N: This column is according to the traditional rules of the Yahtzee game

B: For this column you first need to complete the upper half of the column before you can go to the lower

O: For this column you first need to complete the lower half or the column before you can go to the upper

Arrow down: In this column you have to go from the the aces all the way down to chance, one by one

Arrow up: In this column you have to go up from chance all the way up to aces, one by one

Y: This column is only unlocked as soon as you have a Yahtzee

  • There is an higher score multiplier for each column towards the right, starting with 1x for column N and 6x for column Y
  • You have to score at least 63 points in the upper half to get a 35 point bonus
  • The game is finished as soon as the whole sheet is completed and no green fields are remaining


  • Only the fields are enabled that you can use, if a field is still grey this means that you first have to complete another green field first
  • If you choose a field to enter your score you will only see the scores available to that field
  • If you press “Rounds” in the upper-left corner you will see your all-time topscore
  • The “Grand Total” at the bottom of the screen shows your overall score for the game
  • If you want to cross out a field you use long-press on that particular field
  • You can play a total of three games at the same time, the score for each game will be saved after each change
  • If you want to reset a game you can use the trash icon, only the game that is selected at the moment will be reset
  • There are two color choices, intense and pastel colours


If you face any issues with the app or would like to know more you can contact me at: info@sandynet.nl

Unix commands

Network Check listening ports: netstat -plnt Sniff the network on a port or ip-address: tcpdump port <portnr> tcpdump src/dst <ip-addr> Check the network performance: iftop (-n) (network perfomance) iftop -bNP -i eth0 ifstat System activity Check all processes from a user and press c for the full path names: top -u <username> Memory: vmstat cat … Continue reading “Unix commands”


Check listening ports:

netstat -plnt

Sniff the network on a port or ip-address:

tcpdump port <portnr>
tcpdump src/dst <ip-addr>

Check the network performance:

iftop (-n) (network perfomance)
iftop -bNP -i eth0

System activity

Check all processes from a user and press c for the full path names:

top -u <username>


cat /proc/meminfo

Hard disks:



cat /proc/cpuinfo

User activity

Logged on users:


Last logged on users:


I/O Performance

Check what drive you want to monitor:


Once the drive is know you can start the monitoring, for this you can use iotop or iostat:

iostat -dxm 5 <device>
iostat -dxm 5 | grep <device>

These commands will provide extensive information for a specific device. The refresh will be done every 5 seconds, you can increase or decrease this number.


Check the running processes:

ps -ef

This command will show a list of information about every process currently running.


Command Result
i Insert text
r Replace character
x Remove character
dd Remove line
yy Copy line
p Paste line
V Virtual select text
G Go to end of file
H Go to start of file
ZZ Save file and exit
dw Remove a word
c<number>w Remove the following x words
:q! Do not save file and exit
:g/^#/d Remove all lines starting with a #
:s/<search>/<replace>/g Find/replace
:sort Sort the selected content
:%sort Sort all the lines alphabetically